IFM Academic Staff Assembly

IFMASA is a society registered under the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2000. The primary purpose of the IFMASA is to promote the well-being of the academic community, defend their academic freedom, promote individual interest of its members as well as maintain the quality and integrity of the IFM s an academic institution.

  • An excellent academic association in the provision of wellbeing to academic community and defense of academic rights, freedom and integrity.
  • To ensure promotion of the wellbeing of the academic community, defend their academic freedom, promote individual interest of its members as well as maintain the quality and integrity of the IFM as an academic institution
  • IFMASA will continue to be guided by seven (7) core values that are ethical standards by which IFMASA members and employees would be measured.

Chairman's Words


FMASA was found to promote academic excellence at IFM and promote welfare of the academic staff there by making sure all national and international ratifications, agreements and declarations are fully adhered as per Tanzanian labor law and service commotion guidelines to ensure academic freedom and welfare of the academic staff.

In implementing this plan IFMASA will work with RAAWU as the only trade union in issues which require a trade union. IFMASA will also collaborate with similar academic associations from other higher learning institutions as separate entities or through the academic assemblies’ national platforms in issues that affect academicians from more than one institution.

The IFMASA’s chairperson calls for unconditional support from IFMASA members, IFM management and other stakeholders to support this strategic plan aimed at taking IFMASA into another level where it will function in full capacity as it was intended to be.

Dr. Trephory Othumary Mgeni

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