IFMASA is a society registered under the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2000. The primary purpose of the IFMASA is to promote the well-being of the academic community, defend their academic freedom, promote individual interest of its members as well as maintain the quality and integrity of the IFM s an academic institution.

Main Ojectives

In pursuit of the foregoing purpose, the main objectives of the IFMASA shall be:

  • To promote the welfare and interests of the IFM’s academic members of staff.
  • To ensure the delivery of quality and market-driven services to the IFM clientele.
  • To provide a forum through which the faculty may improve and up hold the academic and professional standards of the IFM
  • To promote and protect independence of thought and academic freedom and to provide an environment appropriate to the IFM by organizing events that will enhance friendliness, accountability, competence and freedom.
  • To provide a means and ways which faculty members may foster and maintain, academic and professional excellence at the IFM.
  • To provide means and ways by which the management of the IFM may involve the faculty members in making important decision affecting interest of the members and the IFM as whole.
  • To promote collegial governance and safeguard the academic integrity of the IFM.
  • To facilitate the exchange of ideas of the association with the broader IFM community as well as the general public.
  • To encourage members to have the spirit of self-academic development and general pursuit of knowledge while at the same time adhering to their academic duties.
  • To discourage unethical practices, misconducts and any unacceptable conducts of its members or any members of staff that works against acceptable standards of intellectuals.
  • To advance and protect the individual and collective interests of academic staff members as well as encouraging members of academic staff to discharge their duties professionally, diligently and promptly.
  • To encourage cooperation between the academic staff of the IFM and the academic staff of other institutions.
  • To act as a representative association when there is a dispute between the member and the IFM in matters relating to academic rights, academic freedom, interest and general welfare.
  • To promote educational, professional and social activities for the benefit of IFMASA Members, the IFM community and the nation as a whole, and
  • To do such other things which the General Assembly may consider necessary in the promotion of the objectives of this constitution to the extent that they are consistent with the objectives spelt out in the Act establishing the Institute and that are incidental thereto.

Our Vision, Mission And Core Values

Our Vission

The Strategic Plan is guided by the following vision of the association: To be
“An excellent academic association in the provision of wellbeing to academic community and defense of academic rights, freedom and integrity”.

Our Mission

In line with the vision, the mission of the IFMASA is
"To ensure promotion of the wellbeing of the academic community, defend their academic freedom, promote individual interest of its members as well as maintain the quality and integrity of the IFM as an academic institution”.

Our Core Values

In pursuit of the above-mentioned vision and mission, IFMASA will continue to be guided by seven (7) core values that are ethical standards by which IFMASA members and employees would be measured. The values are commitment to the stakeholders in terms of desired corporate culture and members and employees’ personality. These are:


Adopting an approach that demonstrates professionalism in competency, character, attitude, and conduct;


Being accountable to our stakeholders and to the Nation in the execution of the functions and mandate bestowed upon the Corporation;


Being fair in all dealings with consumers, service providers and the other stakeholders and discharge our duties with neutrality and impartiality, without fear or favour;


Being exemplary in our behaviour and acting with honesty and integrity in all our transactions;


Being transparent in all our activities and dealings and ready for public scrutiny;


Always striving to reach out and embrace new technologies and innovative methods of executing our mandate and contributing to national development;


being ready to supress personal interest over IFMASA’s community interest as much as it can be possible for the welfare o the community;